Summer 2023
Message from the Chair
Emily D. Anderson, Division 10 Chair
Your summer Division 10 reading has arrived!
Summer has not been a time for rest for Division 10 and for good reason. We have some amazing programming on the horizon, starting with this issue of 2x4x10.
This August issue of 2x4x10 highlights a number of issues of importance for our members. First, we have an article about one state’s experience and future with the use of progressive design build on public works projects, which is especially pertinent to our members with practices touching on transportation and other infrastructure construction projects. Additionally, we have an article about a recent jury award involving power companies’ obligations to prevent wildfires during weather constituting a fire risk, touching on Division 10’s energy and environment focuses.
In addition to this edition of 2x4x10, this upcoming bar year has a lot in store for those of us with practices involving transportation, infrastructure, energy and the environment. For one, the 2024 Midwinter Meeting in Las Vegas is tailored to address power projects and mega projects, recognizing that as the world moves toward more renewable energy sources like solar, wind and hydroelectric power, there has been a growing emphasis on constructing and upgrading power infrastructure to accommodate these changes. Given Division 10’s focus, our members are doing all we can to support this upcoming program and are excited for this developing and important area of construction law to be spotlighted.
Additionally, Division 10 is thrilled to be able to highlight another type of infrastructure - telecommunications infrastructure - during our lunch program at the Forum’s 2023 Fall Meeting in Washington D.C. this upcoming month. Tim Schneider of Tilson Technology Management and Dave Thomas of Sheppard Mullin will be providing some much needed education and discussion about the Biden Administration’s June 2023 announcement of $42.5 billion in federal subsidies to the states to build broadband networks that either receive inadequate broadband, or none at all.
If these topics interest you and you’re looking to get more involved with Division 10, please join us for our programming or social events an upcoming meeting or during one of our monthly calls, or reach out to our editors, Kirk Retz, Erin Fallon or myself, to contribute to 2x4x10.