Division 10 Monthly Meeting
General Business Meeting and Hot Topic Discussion
February 6, 2025
10 PT/12 CT/1 ET

ABA FCL Mid-Winter Meeting
Hilton Tampa Downtown
Tampa, FL
Registration is open: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/construction_industry/events_cle/2025-midwinter-meeting/

Division 10 Monthly Meeting
General Business Meeting and Hot Topic Discussion
December 5, 2024
10 PT/12 CT/1 ET
Hot Topic Presentation
Investment in Infrastructure and American High-Speed Rail
Discussion led by Cesar Pereira and Mitchell Bower of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP

2024-2025 Division 10 Planning Retreat
Division 10 will be having its 2024-2025 Planning Retreat in the Forbes Conference room at the Wyndham Grand Pittsburgh2024 Fall Meeting. All Division 10 members are welcome.
More details to come.

2024 Annual Meeting
The divisions will not be hosting their own substantive programming during the Annual Meeting.
Division 10 will be joining the All Division event the afternoon of Friday, April 12, 2024. We have a tent at the French Quarter Fest.
More details about Division events to come.

2024 Midwinter Meeting
Power Play: Game-Changing Strategies for Power Projects
Division 10, 4 and 5 Lunch Program
Thursday, January 25, 2024 from 12:20-1:45pm
Kristin Santamont of Bechtel will be presenting on the Ivanpah Solar Project. The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a 377-megawatt project consisting of three 459-foot solar concentrating thermal power plants (“power towers”) located a 4,000 acre tract of land in the Mojave Desert in San Bernardino County, California. When the Ivanpah project began commercial operation in December, 2013, it was the world’s largest solar thermal facility and nearly doubled the amount of commercial solar thermal energy generated in the United States.
Division 10 and 4 Social Event
Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 9:00pm
We’re pairing with D4 for an event at Meow Wolf’s Ωmega Mart, which is an interactive art installation located in the Area15 complex in Las Vegas. We’ll be entering what is seemingly a supermarket, from which we can access various other areas (including the bar where our event will be held) and uncover a narrative. The installation features contributions from over 300 artists and designers. It should be a fun night!
Logistics: Ωmega Mart is located at 3215 S. Rancho Drive. We’ll meet in the lobby at 9:00 p.m. and walk over together. Wristbands will be required for drinks, open bar until the tab runs out. Price per person is $100.00 (includes general admission to Ωmega Mart as well as access to the open bar). RSVP to Kelly Bundy ASAP (kbundy@hirschlerlaw.com) and pay in advance to secure your spot (Venmo @Kelly-Bundy).

2023 Regional Program
Fundamentals of Construction Law
Division 10 will not have any specific programming for the 2023 Regional Program, but we encourage Division 10 members to attend or direct attorneys looking to learn more about construction law fundamentals to the program!

2023-2024 Division 10 Planning Retreat
Division 10 will be having its 2023-2024 Planning Retreat the day after the 2023 Fall Meeting. All Division 10 members are welcome.
More details to come.

2023 Fall Meeting
Navigating Government Construction: Don’t Make a Federal Case Out of It
Learn more and sign up for the Forum’s 2023 Fall Meeting!
Division 10 Lunch Program: Thursday, September 28, 2023 from 12:45-2:30pm.
Join Division 10 in a lunch discussion with Tim Schneider, General Counsel for Tilson Technology Management, and Dave Thomas of Sheppard Mullin focusing on the construction of telecommunications infrastructure in areas that today do not receive adequate broadband service. In late June 2023, the Biden Administration announced funding allocations to the states of $42.5 billion in federal subsidies to build broadband networks that either receive inadequate broadband, or none at all. Broadband service today, no less so than electricity in the early 20th Century is critical for modern life. And the scale of the funding, the planning and construction of broadband communications of these networks closely parallels the federal government's rural electrification campaign of the 1930s. The discussion will focus on the legal and practical realities of project funding, contracting, deployment and administration and enforcement of grants.
Division 10 Social Event: Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 8pm.
Get your throwing arms ready and unleash the toss master in you at the EPIC CORNHOLE SHOWDOWN between DIVISIONS 7 & 10! Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-time player, our Cornhole Competition caters to all skill levels, ensuring everyone has a shot at victory and a chance to claim the title of the Construction Forum Cornhole Champion. Beyond the thrill of competition, this event is an opportunity to forge new connections and share in the passion of where construction law and cornhole intersect.
Thanks to our sponsors, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, who are hosting the event on their rooftop, drinks and cornhole-themed apps are on the house! Space is limited, so RSVP by September 15th to Lexie Pereira (Div. 10) (lexie.pereira@pillsburylaw.com).